Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Her Heart is Full.

She's funny. She's wild. She's cute. She's bossy. She's sweet. She's smart. She's energetic. She's trapped in a little girl's body.
Last week we spent two full days together and played Old Maid too many times to count, tic-tac-toe, built puzzles, swam, watched movies, sang loud in the car, read books, painted, and laughed ALOT. I can't help but laugh every time the Beyonce song "Single Ladies" comes on and she screams "Turn it up! This is my JAM! (She's heard me say that)" and we sing it as loud as we can as she makes up her own words to the song. Enjoy some pictures from our day. There's no one like her. She hold the key to my heart.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Independence Day

We had a great 4th of July celebration filled with fun memories at the lake, a yummy cookout with hamburgers, hotdogs, watermelon, and dessert! We rode in the boat to this event called Rockin' The Docks for their annual fireworks show with thousands of other boats and it was so fun! Then we went back to amber's house and made our own fireworks show! Enjoy some pictures from the day, the fireworks show, and us doing tricks on my camera, haha! Hope everyone had a great weekend, too!!!